Krista Mulholland, LEHP
Public Health Administrator
(618) 826-5007 ext 622
Send Message
(618) 826-5007
(618) 826-5223
2515 State St.
Chester, Illinois 62233
(618) 443-2995
211 N Hasle St.
Sparta, Illinois 62286
After Hours Call:
Krista Mulholland
Public Health Administrator
(618) 521-1756
The Randolph County Health Department (RCHD) is a Certified Local Health Department that provides clinical and environmental health services through the operation of various programs, services, and partnerships. We receive funding from private foundations, state, and federal grants, fees for services, and county tax dollars.
Our vision is to lead Randolph County to be one of the healthiest counties in Illinois.
Our mission is to provide public health services directed toward prevention of disease, promotion of health, and improvement of the quality of life for Randolph County citizens.
Links & Resources
Health Department FAQs
Is smoking allowed in any building and how do I file a complaint?
The Smoke-Free Illinois Act (SFIA) requires that public places and places of employment must be completely smoke-free inside and within 15 feet from entrances, exits, windows that open and ventilation intakes. This includes but is not limited to:
Public places and buildings, offices, elevators, restrooms, theaters, museums, libraries, educational institutions, schools, commercial establishments, enclosed shopping centers and retail stores, restaurants, bars, taverns and gaming facilities lobbies, reception areas, hallways, meeting rooms, waiting rooms, break rooms and other common-use areas. Concert halls, auditoriums, enclosed or partially enclosed sports arenas, bowling alleys, skating rinks, convention facilities, polling places and private clubs. Hospitals, health care facilities, health care clinics, child care, adult care or other similar social service care centers. No less than 75 percent of hotel or motel sleeping quarters rented to guests. Public conveyances, government-owned vehicles and vehicles open to the public.
Complaints made be made anonymously online – Visit Website
Complaints may also be made anonymously by calling the Randolph County Health Department at 618.826.5007 ext. 626.
Do we have applications for Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)?
No. The State of Illinois no longer accepts paper applications for TANF, SNAP, and Medicaid. However, you can apply for and manage benefits online by visiting Illinois’ Application for Benefits Eligibility (ABE). Visit ABE Website
Does the Health Department have applications for the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program?
No, WIC applications are electronic, If you are interested in WIC, please call (618) 826-5007 ext. 610 or 612 in Chester or (618) 443-2995 in Sparta. WIC staff will screen for eligibility over the phone.
Do we have a list of dentists?
Yes, the health department has a list of local dentists. For a list of dentists who accept Medical Card Dental Insurance please call Doral Dental at 1 (888) 286-2447.
Do we provide car seats?
Who tests the mold in my residence?
No agency currently inspects, tests, or regulates the presence of mold in your residence, even if you rent. The growth of mold indicates the presence of moisture and the lack of adequate ventilation. Temporary control measures include washing the surface with soap and water and rinsing with a vinegar solution. Portable fans may help in providing ventilation to the surface.
How much does a permit cost to drill a well?
The fee is $100.00
Can I get a pregnancy test done at the Randolph County Health Department?
I am trying to breastfeed. How long does it take for my milk to come in and do I need to supplement until it does?
It can take up to three days for your milk to come in. Meanwhile, your baby is receiving colostrum and should be all your baby needs. Follow up with your healthcare provider with concerns you may have.
Did the flu shot I got last year give me the flu?
No. Influenza vaccines do not contain live virus.
Where do I get a birth certificate in Randolph County?
You may obtain a birth certificate at the Randolph County Clerk’s Office in the Randolph County Courthouse. You can reach the County Clerk’s Office by calling (618) 826-5000 ext. 191. Learn More
What is the telephone number for the Department of Human Services (formerly Public Aid)?
The number for the Department of Human Services is (618) 826-4558
Where can I receive family planning services in Randolph County?
You can receive family planning services from your healthcare provider or call 211 for social service information.
What vaccines do I need for international travel and where can I get these immunizations?
The travel destination determines the vaccine(s) you will need. Visit the Center’s for Disease Control and Prevention Website. Select your destination, answer a few questions, and the website will provide the recommended vaccines. Locations that offer international travel immunizations:
Barnes Care Traveler’s Health Services
11501 Page Service Road
St. Louis MO 63146
(314) 331-3050
Gateway Regional Medical Center
2044 Madison Ave, Suite G6
Granite City IL 62040
(618) 798-3475
By appointment only.
Passport Health
2025 S Brentwood
St. Louis MO 63144
(314) 997-8100
By appointment only.
Visiting Nurse Association
11440 Olive Blvd, Suite 200
Creve Couer MO 63141
(314) 918-7171 ext 1245
By appointment and/or walk-ins welcome.
Programs and Services
Women, Infants & Children (WIC) – WIC is the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children. It is administered in Illinois by the Illinois Department of Human Services and is funded by the United States Department of Agriculture. WIC is a federal nutrition program that provides: Nutrition Education; Nutrition Counseling; Breastfeeding Support; Nutritious Foods and Referrals to Other Services. WIC helps parents to feed their children properly during critical periods of growth and development. The combination of nutrition education, nutritious foods, and yearly heath care visits strengthens families long after their WIC eligibility has ended. Call for income guidelines and/or to schedule an appointment.
Tuberculosis (TB) Program Program focuses on prevention and control. Mantoux testing, verification of preventive Reported Case therapy and follow-up are included in the identification component of program. Patient management, education, contact investigation and follow-up are activities in the treatment component.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) Program Program offers follow-up to residents who have positive STD cases. Education, counseling, verification of appropriate treatment and surveillance are a part of the program aimed at modifying transmission of these infections. Testing and treatment is provided and/or referrals are given.
Family Case Management The program objective is to ensure entry into prenatal care resulting in improved pregnancy outcomes, reduction of premature births and low birth weight babies and decrease infant deaths.
Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program Provides questionnaire assessment and finger stick screening for children. Children with blood lead levels >5ug/dl are confirmed by venous testing, which can be done at a local hospital or through the primary health care provider. Nutrition and hygiene/housekeeping skills education is provided and the blood level is monitored. Environmental investigation is done according to program guidelines by Illinois Department of Public Health regional staff.
Environmental Health – Food Sanitation Food establishments are inspected based upon level of risk according to actual food handling practices. Fee may apply.
Environmental Health – Private Sewage We permit and inspect private sewage disposal systems for new home construction and repairs to existing systems. We also investigate complaints concerning failed septic systems. Fee may apply.
Environmental Health – Food Sanitation Temporary Temporary food functions, such as picnics and fairs, need to contact us during their planning phase for information and/or regulations that pertain to them and to discuss inspections as needed.
Environmental Health – Private Water All new water wells are permitted and inspected. Water sampling and testing is available. Corrective actions for unsatisfactory test results are recommended.
Communicable Disease (CD) Program Program initiates surveillance and compiles reported diseases for the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH). Education regarding prevention of communicable disease transmission is presented to individuals or groups upon request. Health and safety information is available to residents traveling to foreign countries.
Genetics Program The program provides case finding through utilization of a genetic screening tool. Education and referral services are available to newborns and children and their families in need. Nurses review questionnaire, provide education and make referrals as indicated.
Tobacco Use Prevention Program Residents receive assessment and counseling via the Illinois tobacco Quitline, 1-866-QUIT-YES (1-866-784-8937).