Justin Jeffers
(618) 826-5000 ext 135
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(618) 826-5000 ext 224
1 Taylor Street, Room 205
Chester, Illinois 62233
Gina Scott
Chief Deputy Treasurer
(618) 826-5000 ext 133
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Kaitlyn Loesing
Deputy Treasurer
(618) 826-5000 ext 132
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Dawn Durbin
Deputy Treasurer
(618) 826-5000 ext 205
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Real Estate and Mobile Home Tax
Collection of and distribution to the various taxing districts
Mobile Home Tax Certification
Certifying all taxes are paid prior to title transfer
Mobile Home Moving Permit
Certifying all taxes are paid prior to moving any mobile home
Treasurer FAQs
What is a Disabled Person's Exemption?
This exemption is for taxpayers who are disabled. There are several different ways of qualifying for the exemption. Call the Assessor’s Office for clarification.
What is the difference between real estate taxes and mobile home taxes?
Real estate taxes are paid a year behind (for example 2018 payable 2019). Mobile home taxes run current year (2019 payable 2019).
What is the Randolph County Deliquent Tax Program (Trustee)?
When property taxes at the Annual Delinquent Tax Sale fail to receive a bid, the property is placed in the Randolph County Trustee Program. Contact the Randolph County Delinquent Tax Agent at 800.248.2850 or 618.656.5744.
What is available to interested parties in regard to the Deliquent Tax Sale?
A Delinquent Real Estate Tax List consisting of the owner’s name, parcel number, tax due, and/or a copy of the actual judgement book used at the sale. Judgement books are $50.00 and a publication listing is $250.00.
What are the requirements to attend the annual Deliquent Tax Sale?
Per state statute, a registration fee of $250.00 must be paid to the Treasurer’s Office no later than ten business days prior to the tax sale.
What is a Delinquent Tax Sale?
Unpaid taxes offered for sale to the public. Persons offering to pay amount due on property for the least penalty percentage shall be the purchaser. No bid shall be accepted for a penalty exceeding 9 percent of the amount of the tax or special assessment.
What is the Mobile Home Local Service Tax Enforcement Act?
Beginning with the taxable year 2003, the manner in which delinquent taxes on mobile homes are collected was changed. Failure to pay the tax can result in a penalty of $25.00 per month, or portion of, not to exceed $100.00.
What is a Circuit Breaker for seniors & disabled?
As of January 1, 2013, the Circuit Breaker Program name has been changed to the Benefit Access Program. Call the Department of Aging 800-252-8966 for clarification or visit their website @ www.state.il.us/aging.
What is the Returning Veteran's Exemption?
This exemption provides a $5,000 reduction in the equalized assessed value of the veteran’s principal residence. Call our office for clarification.
What is a Disabled Veteran's Exemption?
This exemption is for taxpayers who are disabled at least 30 percent or more through the Veteran’s Administration. Call the Assessor’s Office for clarification.
Is there a 2nd Disabled Veteran's Exemption?
Yes, this exemption is for a disabled veteran, or the spouse or unmarried surviving spouse of the veteran. The exemption applies to housing where federal funds have been used to purchase or construct special adaptations to suit the veteran’s disability.
What is a Home Improvement Exemption?
This exemption is on the property you own and occupy. It is only on residential improvements (not on farm improvements i.e. barn, silo, etc.). It reduces the assessed value by the amount of increase (up to $75,000 Fair Market Value).
What is the Senior Citizen's Assessment Freeze Exemption?
This exemption freezes the assessed value (not taxes) back to the base year for each year that the form is completed and returned to the Assessor’s Office. To qualify, a taxpayer must own and occupy the property as their principal dwelling on January 1 and have a household income of $55,000 or less. For 2018 payable 2019, the annual income increased to $65,000.
What is a Senior Homestead Exemption?
This exemption reduces the final equalized assessed value by up to $5,000. To qualify for this exemption, a taxpayer must be age 65 or older during the assessment year, and own and occupy the principal dwelling on January 1st of the assessment year.
What is an Owner Occupied Exemption?
This exemption reduces the final equalized assessed value up to $6,000, to fall below the 1977 equalized assessed value. To qualify, a taxpayer must own and occupy a property as the principal dwelling on January 1st of the assessment year.
I no longer use a mortgage company to pay my real estate tax bill. How do I change my mailing address?
All address changes are made in the Randolph County Assessor’s Office. You may call them at 618.826.5000 ext. 192. Office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
My real estate tax bill is sent to my mortgage company. How can I receive a copy of my real estate bill?
Your mortgage company, by law, has 15 days from receipt of a real estate tax bill to furnish the property owner a copy. If you do not wish your mortgage company to receive your tax bill, notify the Assessor’s Office to change the mailing address.
Can my real estate taxes be paid with a credit card?
Yes. Randolph County accepts credit card payments. Debit or credit card payments must be made in the Treasurer’s Office. You can also pay them online at the Treasurer’s Office website: govtechtaxpro.com. There are fees for using this program: Debit Card of $3.95, 2.85% of the amount of the taxes for the Credit Card & if you have it taken from your checking, there is a fee of $1.50.
Why are my taxes so high?
Your taxes may be higher due to taxing districts requesting more property tax money. Your property’s assessed value may increase, or an increase in the state or township multipliers would raise taxes. Loss of an exemption will increase tax dollars.
I sold this property. Why did I receive a current real estate tax bill?
The tax remains with the property, regardless of ownership. To determine your liability for paying the tax, check your closing statement to see if the seller gave you credit. You may also contact an attorney.
Does the Treasurer's Office charge for duplicate tax bills?
Yes, the fee for a duplicate tax bill is $5.00 (there is no fee for a taxpayer to receive a copy of their own tax bill). Payment for duplicate tax bill must be received before the office will release them.
Does the Treasurer's Office have a fax number?
The Treasurer’s Office does not have a fax number.
When are Real Estate taxes due?
Historically, the first installment due date falls near the end of July. The second installment due date is always after September 1 in a normal fiscal year.