Danny Valleroy
(618) 826-5000 ext 130
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(618) 826-5000 ext 228
(618) 826-3750
1 Taylor Street, Room 207
Chester, Illinois 62233
Amy Rice
Chief Deputy
(618) 826-5000 ext 168
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About Our Office
Welcome to the Land Resource Management Office! Please remember that deeds need to be approved by our office before being filed in the Randolph County Clerk’s office. Straight transfers will be stamped and returned immediately. A parcel split will need to be checked to insure it closes and complies with ordinance #07-16. It will be stamped accordingly. The $25.00 fee will be collected in this office. To help expedite the process, deeds can be pre-approved. They can be delivered or emailed to our office or faxed to the Randolph County Clerk (618) 826-3750. Then, at the time of filing, the prepared deed can be brought to our office to be stamped and the fee collected at that time. Copies of ordinance #07-16 can be obtained in this office or from the Randolph County Clerk.
GIS Development/Tax Map Maintenance
Gathering and updating information, for the development of the Geographic Information System for all of Randolph County. Approving, plotting, and updating new splits to tax maps
County Zoning
This office is responsible for the general administration and enforcement of the Randolph County Zoning Ordinance, the Randolph County Floodplain Ordinance and the Randolph County Subdivision Ordinance. We issue building permits and initial certificates of zoning compliance applications for any structure built or placed in the unincorporated areas of the county and any municipality which does not carry its own zoning ordinance. We also accept all applications which will go before the Zoning Board of Appeals monthly meeting.
Building Permits
Denotes specifics of the structure being constructed.
Initial Certificate of Compliance
Ensures that the proposed work conforms to the applicable provisions of the zoning ordinance.
Final Certificate of Compliance
Will be issued when by inspection, the work authorized by the initial certificate of compliance has been completed in accordance with the approved plan.
Zoning Board of Appeals Applications
There are five different applications which can be presented to the board. To determine if your project fits the guidelines for one of these applications, please contact the office.
Randolph County Soil & Water Conservation District Permits
This permit is required as per state law (70 ILCS 405/2202a), in conjunction with any Zoning Board of Appeals application.
911 Address
A 911 address will be assigned on any new home being constructed. The 911 address will be given at the time the permits are issued.
Street Vacating
To petition to have a street or alley vacated.
Road Naming
To petition to have a new road named or renaming of a preexisting road.
Land Resource Mgmt FAQs
Are permanent foundations required on mobile homes?
Yes. The foundation shall extend into the ground below the frost line so as to attach and become a part of the real estate (basement, concrete slab or concrete perimeter with mortared concrete block). Vinyl skirting is not allowed.
I help with the family farming operation, can I put a new home on the family farm?
Additional single-family dwellings shall be permitted on an agricultural lot of record provided the occupants of said single-family dwellings are directly related by birth, marriage or adoption to the owners and residents of the lot of record.
Can I put an additional home on my property?
No. Only one dwelling may be situated on any lot or lot of record.
What are setbacks?
The horizontal distance from the lot line in question to the side of the structure facing that lot line or to the edge of the area of operation of the principal use (in the case of a use which does not involve a structure).
What is the Zoning Board of Appeals?
The Zoning Board of Appeals is comprised of seven members appointed by the County Board Chairman with the advice and consent of the County Board of Commissioners.
Where do I find the legal description of a piece of property?
A legal description can be found on the deed or a tax bill.
What is my zoned district?
The zoned district of a property is determined by the area in which it is located. It is best to contact the office with the legal description of the property in question.
How much property do I need to build on?
The factors are variable. Please contact our office for specific information.
If a new structure is not connected to a principal structure (ex. deck, porches...) is a permit required?
Yes. A permit is required.
If a new structure is less then $500.00 in cost, is a permit required?
Yes. Every structure has a value, even if used material is being used in the construction.
If a building is smaller then a 8 x 10, will permits be required?
Yes. Regardless of size, any new structure requires permits.
Does a portable building (carport, shed etc.) need a building permit?
Yes. Any new structure requires a permit.
What year does a mobile home need to be to be moved into the county?
A mobile home is required to be HUD approved. The home must be 1976 or newer.