Death Certificates

Obtain a Death Certificate

Death certificates are filed in the County Clerk’s office for all individuals born in Randolph County from 1916 to current date.

You may obtain a certified death record in the following ways:

  • In person at the County Clerk’s office during regular business hours.
  • By mail using the printable application below. A copy of your valid photo ID and payment in full are required.
  • Online using the AllPaid link below (requires credit or debit card). A copy of your valid photo ID must also be emailed ( or faxed (618-826-3750) to our office.

*Payments made payable to the “Randolph County Clerk” in the form of check, cash or money order.

Death Certificate Access

Death certificates are available only to:

  • A person, or his duly authorized agent, having personal or property right interest in the record.
  • A department of the State or Federal government.
  • Any person upon order of a court.

Form & Fees

(1) Certified copy: $18.00
Mailing fee (if applicable): $1.00/copy

Death Certificate Form

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